Defeat Burnout

Over 60 percent of American workers have been suffering at least moderate levels of burnout. You do not have to be one of them.

Professional burnout can be a serious drain on you physically and mentally. I know, because I was there. I was one of the zombie IT workers for so long that I forgot my days weren't supposed to feel like an endless slog. If I am being honest, I think I was a few short steps away from depression.

I wish I could say I figured out how to fix things myself. I tried. I did affirmations. I built and rebuilt a project management system to try to stay on top of the work. I talked to people who were dealing with the same sense that nothing was going to change.

Nothing worked. Why? Because people who have never solved a problem don't know how to help. If they knew how to get out of that endless, mindless march through the darkness, they would, right? I was looking for help in the wrong places.

Thankfully I found some amazing people who could help. My coaches were people who had overcome struggles and achieved things I didn't even dream about at that time. They helped me make changes in key parts of my life so I could overcome my own burnout cycle and find meaning in my work.

In the five years since then, I have continued to fill my spare time learning about what it takes to create a full life. Do I still struggle with self doubt and a lack of motivation in my career? Absolutely. Now, though, I recognize the signs before they affect me at a deep level. And I have the tools to reconnect to my creativity and excitement.

Doing the work is no longer a slog. It is part of building my craft.

If that feels like something that might shine a light in the darkness of your career, let's get started.

How can I help?

I will work with you twice a month for six months. These will be a 30-minute sessions where you have my complete attention. During each session, we will work on your major pain points. Between sessions, you will have tools to use and activities to complete so you can experience real change as quickly as possible.

Over the course of six months, we will focus on the following areas.

  • Stop the stress cycle. You will learn a system to help you get in front of and interrupt stressful situations before they have a chance to drain you. This simple system does not require you to memorize complex strategies or vocabulary. You can use it almost anytime you want to give your brain a boost. If you already meditate, this system will build on that practice to give you even more benefit from the work you are already doing.
  • Create a zone of calm competence. You will build out a daily routine to keep your body and mind in shape so you are able to respond to life instead of reacting to it. You will learn how to bring a different perspective to your work that enables you to use your clear focus and expertise to meet challenges. Once you have a bit of practice, you can use these skills in many areas of your life.
  • Align with your craft. This is one of my favorite parts of this system. Once your energy is not being siphoned off by repetitive stress, and your zone of calm is in place, you can begin to see your work as part of your craft. You will learn how to provide yourself with the meaning and purpose you might not be getting from your leadership. You will learn how to manage your work day like a small business. This will prepare you for the next part of the system.
  • Prepare for the future. Based on what you decide about your craft, you will build a new resume. You will plot out some career goals based on the kind of work that excites you. As a bonus, you will learn a simple financial system that will help you focus your money to achieve your goals.

Are you ready to make a change?

Get started today


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If you have any questions or concerns about working with me, email me. I am happy to help.